eng:to load up something on the computer (and smart devices), e.g. to load up an application, to download something from the internet, etc.
yue:我部機開機嗰陣喺Windows畫面load好耐,係咪俾人hack咗? (ngo5 bou6 gei1 hoi1 gei1 go2 zan2 hai2 windows waa2 min2 lou1 zo2 hou2 noi6, hai6 mai6 bei2 jan4 hek1 zo2?)
eng:My computer is stuck in the Windows screen for a long time while booting up, is it hacked?
eng:to think, to understand, to comprehend
yue:我仲未load到。 (ngo5 zung6 mei6 lou1 dou2.)
eng:I haven't figured it out yet.
yue:我load唔到佢講乜。 (ngo5 lou1 m4 dou2 keoi5 gong2 mat1.)
eng:I don't understand what he is talking about.
yue:我好驚講英文,因為要load好耐先組織到自己想講嘅嘢。 (ngo5 hou2 geng1 gong2 jing1 man2, jan1 wai6 jiu3 lou1 hou2 noi6 sin1 zou2 zik1 dou2 zi6 gei2 soeng2 gong2 ge3 je5.)
eng:I'm reluctant to speak English, because it takes a long time for me to find the words to express myself.