eng:multiple choice style questions
yue:我做唔晒份卷,最後嗰幾條MC全部撞答案。 (ngo5 zou6 m4 saai3 fan6 gyun2, zeoi3 hau6 go2 gei2 tiu4 em1 si1 cyun4 bou6 zong6 daap3 on3.)
eng:I couldn't finish the paper, I had to randomly pick the answers for the last couple multiple choice questions.
eng:master of ceremony
yue:大家好,我係阿擇,係呢個頒獎禮嘅MC。 (daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 aa3 zaak6, hai6 ni1 go3 baan1 zoeng2 lai5 ge3 em1 si1.)
eng:Hello everybody! My name is Ah Chaak, and I am the master of ceremony for this award ceremony.
yue:唱#rap 嘅人嘅稱呼
eng:microphone controller, a common title for rappers