
第 #1 條
讀音: hung4 mun4 jin3
詞性: 名詞
(廣東話) 不懷好意、居心不良嘅邀請;出自《史記》嘅典故:楚漢相爭時,劉邦先入咸陽,項羽妒忌佢,用范增嘅計謀,喺鴻門設宴,意圖加害佢;劉邦赴宴,范增指使項莊舞劍,意圖刺殺劉邦,好彩得到項羽叔父項伯、仲有張良等下屬嘅協助,最後冇事
(英文) an invitation from somebody with malicious intentions; "鴻門宴" refers to a famous event in Chinese history that took place after the fall of the Qin Dynasty. A banquet was hosted by Xiang Yu, a prominent military leader and political figure, but was actually a ruse to assassinate his rival Liu Bang, who would later become the founder of the Han Dynasty. The term has since become a Chinese idiom or metaphor for a treacherous situation where one is invited to an event with hostile intentions hidden behind a facade of cordiality
參看: 三顧草廬 化干戈為玉帛 君子之交淡如水 小不忍則亂大謀 恭敬不如從命 滿漢全席 盛意拳拳 神龍見首不見尾 老眼昏花 鮑參翅肚 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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