eng:to support or respond to a call to action
yue:清潔香港,一於響應! (cing1 git3 hoeng1 gong2, jat1 jyu1 hoeng2 jing3!)
eng:Let's join hands in keeping Hong Kong clean!
yue:為咗響應環保,我哋應該盡量減少使用即棄塑膠產品。 (wai6 zo2 hoeng2 jing3 waan4 bou2, ngo5 dei6 jing1 goi1 zeon6 loeng6 gaam2 siu2 si2 jung6 zik1 hei3 sou3 gaau1 caan2 ban2)
eng:To support environmental protection, we should try to minimize the use of disposable plastic products.