yue:香港山峯名;位於新界#屯門 區嘅一座山,海拔583米
eng:Castle Peak; literally "green hill"
yue:#青山醫院 嘅簡稱
eng:abbreviation of Castle Peak Hospital, a psychiatric hospital with the longest history in Hong Kong
yue:再嘈就送你入青山! (zoi3 cou4 zau6 sung3 nei5 jap6 cing1 saan1)
eng:If you dare be noisy again, I will send you to Castle Peak Hospital!
yue:#屯門 區嘅舊名;接管#新界 初期,香港政府將成個區命名為「青山」,直到1971年先起用返「屯門」呢個古名
eng:Castle Peak, the old name of Tuen Mun