yue:利用#電 嚟運作嘅機器,通常指家居用嘅產品,例如#雪櫃、#洗衣機、#冷氣機 之類(量詞:部/架)
eng:electrical appliance
yue:傢俬電器 (gaa1 si1 din6 hei3)
eng:furniture and electrical appliances
yue:#電器舖 (din6 hei3 pou2)
eng:electrical appliance shop
yue:修理電器 (sau1 lei5 din6 hei3)
eng:electrical appliance repair; to repair an electrical appliance
yue:喺度買電器有保養,又可以簽咭。 (hai2 dou6 maai5 din6 hei3 jau5 bou2 joeng5, jau6 ho2 ji5 cim1 kaat1.)
eng:If you buy your electrical appliances here, there will be warranty services, and you can also pay by credit card.