yue:寫張#支票 俾人
eng:to write a cheque
yue:我開咗張五百蚊嘅支票俾佢。 (ngo5 hoi1 zo2 zoeng1 ng5 baak3 man1 ge3 zi1 piu3 bei2 keoi5.)
eng:I wrote him a cheque for $500.
yue:投票之後,打開#票箱 數返#票 嘅數目
eng:to open a ballot box and count the ballots
yue:六點鐘就會開票。 (luk6 dim2 zung1 zau6 wui5 hoi1 piu3.)
eng:They will open the ballot box and count the ballots at six o'clock.