
第 #1 條
讀音: bin1 gaan1 gaau3 wui2
異體: 異體: 邊間
詞性: 語句
標籤: 潮語
(廣東話) 潮流用語,恥笑對方填嘅詞完全唔啱音。較早期華人教會聖詩,着重翻譯原文嘅準確度同教義多過音樂性,尤其是用廣東話唱出嚟會唔啱音,冇辦法聽得出原本嘅歌詞,呢個印象就被人當做填詞唔啱音嘅代表;雖然新一代嘅基督教音樂已經大有改善,但係呢個講法仍然流行。
(英文) Literally translating to 'which church do you go to', this expression is used to ridicule 'wrong-sounding' Cantonese lyrics, i.e. lyrics that pay no regard to the tones of the Cantonese language, a linguistic phenomenon which in normal cases necessitate careful matching of words to the rising and falling of the corresponding notes. Lyricists of early Chinese hymns were generally more concerned with the meaning and translation accuracy of their lyrics than the musicality of their pieces, giving rise to lyrics which, when sung aloud in Cantonese, may 'sound wrong' or even be distorted beyond recognition. These hymns gradually became the classic example of 'wrong-sounding' Cantonese lyrics. Although the lyrics of modern Christian hymns have improved significantly in terms of musicality, the expression remains in popular use to this day.
(粵) nei5bin1gaan1gaau3wui2gaa3seng4geoi3mou5jat1go3zi6ngaam1jam1ge2
(英) (commenting on a lyricist's work) So, which church do you go to? The whole sentence sounds completely off!
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