eng:to withdraw from a discussion or trial to avoid unfairness
yue:部份成員因為涉及利益衝突而避席討論。 (bou6 fan6 sing4 jyun4 jan1 wai6 sip3 kap6 lei6 jik1 cung1 dat6 ji4 bei6 zik6 tou2 leon6.)
eng:Some members withdraw from the discussion due to conflict of interest.
yue:法官喺進行「案中案」嘅審訊程序嘅時候,通常會下令陪審團避席。 (faat3 gun1 hai2 zeon3 hang4 "on3 zung1 on3" ge3 sam2 seon3 cing4 zeoi6 ge3 si4 hau6, tung1 soeng4 wui5 haa6 ling6 pui4 sam2 tyun4 bei6 zik6.)
eng:In a voir dire, the judge will usually exclude the jury.