yue:為一樣嘢 #辯護 、#解釋
eng:to defend and explain oneself
yue:佢喺法官面前已經好努力咁為自己辯解,但係最後都係畀個官判咗有罪。 (keoi5 hai2 faat3 gun1 min6 cin4 ji5 ging1 hou2 nou5 lik6 gam2 wai6 zi6 gei2 bin6 gaai2, daan6 hai6 zeoi3 hau6 dou1 hai6 bei2 go3 gun1 pun3 zo2 jau5 zeoi6.)
eng:He tried hard to defend his case before the judge, but still he was found guilty by the judge.