踩鋼線:caai2 gong3 sin2:jaai2 gong3 sin2,踹鋼線:caai2 gong3 sin2:jaai2 gong3 sin2
yue:馬戲團雜技嘅一種,表演者會喺凌空嘅#鋼線 上行走
eng:tightrope walking; a circus trick where the performer walks along a thin wire at a great height
eng:to do something extremely risky and dangerous
yue:你幫公司做假數,同踩鋼線冇分別。 (nei5 bong1 gung1 si1 zou6 gaa2 sou3, tung4 caai2 gong3 sin2 mou5 fan1 bit6.)
eng:You are walking on a tightrope in helping the company falsify its accounts.