eng:(of vehicles) to get too close to the car ahead; to follow a vehicle too closely
yue:唔好跟車太貼,至少保持兩秒距離。 (m4 hou2 gan1 ce1 taai3 tip3, zi3 siu2 bou2 ci4 loeng5 miu5 keoi5 lei4.)
eng:Don't follow too closely behind the vehicle in front. Keep at least a 2-second distance.
eng:figuratively: to blindly follow (literally: too closely) the mainstream public opinion; to toe the line; if things take an expected turn, the follower will make a fool of themselves
yue:叫你咪跟車太貼咬定係拐子婆抱走BB㗎啦,而家證明係報假案啦。 (giu3 nei5 mai5 gan1 ce1 taai3 tip3 ngaau5 ding6 hai6 gwaai2 zi2 po4 pou5 zau2 bi4 bi1 gaa3 laa1, ji4 gaa1 zing3 ming4 hai6 bou3 gaa2 on3 laa1)
eng:I advised you not to blindly believe mainstream opinions about kidnapping without evidence; it has now been proven false.