eng:clothes hanger
yue:喊成咁,睇嚟隔籬屋又用衣架打仔喇。 (haam3 seng4 gam2, tai2 lai4 gaak3 lei4 uk1 jau6 jung6 ji1 gaa2 daa2 zai2 laa3.)
eng:Oh that sodding cry, I guess the neighbours are disciplining their kid with clothes hanger again.
eng:a paraphernalia of a person; one that knows nothing except from clothing himself
yue:佢老婆係個衣架嚟,咩都唔使做,淨係着靚衫去舞會。 (keoi5 lou5 po4 hai6 go3 ji1 gaa3 lai4, me1 dou1 m4 sai2 zou6, zing6 hai6 zoek3 leng3 saam1 heoi3 mou5 wui2.)
eng:His wife is spared from any housework and was passed around as a trophy in her beautiful dresses at banquets.