yue:一種研究、檢核同處方#藥物 嘅專業
eng:pharmacy (as a profession or field of study)
yue:#藥劑師 (joek6 zai1 si1)
eng:pharmacist; chemist
yue:佢大學讀藥劑,成日見佢要背曬啲藥嘅原理呀,作用副作用噉。 (keoi5 daai6 hok6 duk6 joek6 zai1, sing4 jat6 gin3 keoi5 jiu3 bui6 saai3 di1 joek6 ge3 jyun4 lei5 aa3, zok3 jung6 fu4 zok3 jung6 gam2.)
eng:She studied pharmacy at the university. I always saw that she had to memorise the mechanisms, effects and side effects of medications.