yue:#年宵 市場;香港每年嘅年宵市場喺農曆年廿四到年初一清晨六點舉行,有年花、乾貨、濕貨同熟食賣(量詞:個)
eng:Lunar New Year Fair; literally: flower market
yue:今年花市多咗好多本地原創嘅公仔賣,唔使再買翻版公仔啦! (gam1 nin4 faa1 si5 do1 zo2 hou2 do1 bun2 dei6 jyun4 cong3 ge3 gung1 zai2 maai6, m4 sai2 zoi3 maai5 faan1 baan2 gung1 zai2 laa1!)
eng:Forget about the cheap knock-offs. There are tons of original design stuffed figures by locals this year at the Lunar New Year Fair.