eng:occupational disease
yue:聽力受損係以前好多風炮手嘅常見職業病。 (ting3 lik6 sau6 syun2 hai6 ji5 cin4 hou2 do1 fung1 paau3 sau2 ge3 soeng4 gin3 zik1 jip6 beng6.)
eng:Hearing loss was a common occupational disease of many jackhammer operators in the past.
eng:habit acquired due to knowledge and skills in a profession
yue:我阿爸係做裁縫嘅,佢有個職業病,就係行親街都攞住人哋啲衫彈三彈四。 (ngo5 aa3 baa4 hai6 zou6 coi4 fung2 ge2, keoi5 jau5 go3 zik1 jip6 beng6, zau6 hai6 haang4 can1 gaai1 dou1 lo2 zyu6 jan4 dei6 di1 saam1 taan4 saam1 taan4 sei3.)
eng:My father is a tailor, and he has an occupational habit where he keeps criticizing clothing products in the boutique while shopping.