yue:採取唔食嘢嘅手段,通常係以餓死作為#要脅,去#抗議 或者#控訴 一啲嘢
eng:to go on a hunger strike; to stop eating in protest
yue:絕食抗議 (zyut6 sik6 kong3 ji5)
eng:hunger strike
yue:已經嚟到絕食嘅第三日,阿明明顯衰弱咗,唔係好企到起身。 (ji5 ging1 lai4 dou3 zyut6 sik6 ge3 dai6 saam1 jat6, aa3 ming4 ming4 hin2 seoi1 joek6 zo2, m4 hai6 hou2 kei5 dou2 hei2 san1.)
eng:It is the third day of the hunger strike, Ming is obviously weaker than before, he couldn't even stand well.