eng:person managing the daily affairs of a place; sometimes referring to security guards
yue:動物園管理員 (dung6 mat6 jyun4 gun2 lei5 jyun4)
yue:大廈管理員 (daa6 haa6 gun2 lei5 jyun4)
eng:security guard of a building
eng:administrator of websites and online forums
yue:呢個討論區有冇管理員㗎?咁多鹹片嘅! (ni1 go3 tou2 leon6 keoi1 jau5 mou5 gun2 lei5 jyun4 gaa3? gam3 do1 haam4 pin2 ge2!)
eng:Where are the administrators of the forum? There are so many adult videos on this site!