eng:to steal; to take possession of something illegally
yue:竊取電力 (sit3 ceoi2 din6 lik6)
eng:abstracting of electricity
yue:竊取國家機密 (sit3 ceoi2 gwok3 gaa1 gei1 mat6)
eng:theft of state secrets
yue:員工點擊惡意網站連結或設定太易破解嘅密碼,都係黑客能夠竊取公司數據嘅原因。 (jyun4 gung1 dim2 gik1 ok3 ji3 mong5 zaam6 lin4 git3 waak6 cit3 ding6 taai3 ji6 po3 gaai2 ge3 mat6 maa5, dou1 hai6 hak1 haak3 nang4 gau3 sit3 ceoi2 gung1 si1 sou3 geoi3 ge3 jyun4 jan1.)
eng:Employees clicking on malicious links or using weak passwords are some of the ways that hackers have been able to gain access to companies' data.