eng:secret history; hidden history
yue:我估呢段秘史唔係好多人知。 (ngo5 gu2 ni1 dyun6 bei3 si2 m4 hai6 hou2 do1 jan4 zi1.)
eng:I think not many people know about this secret history.
yue:綜合各種記載分析,我哋冇辦法排除呢段秘史嘅可信性。 (zung3 hap6 gok3 zung2 gei3 zoi3 fan1 sik1, ngo5 dei6 mou5 baan6 faat3 paai4 ceoi4 ni1 dyun6 bei3 si2 ge3 ho2 seon3 sing3.)
eng:Putting various records and analysis together, we cannot rule out the credibility of the secret history.