eng:to live within one's means; to deploy one's resources with care; literally, to eat rice depending on the dishes
yue:我哋個部門係得咁多資源,你班友要睇餸食飯喇! (ngo5 dei6 go3 bou6 mun4 hai6 dak1 gam3 do1 zi1 jyun4, nei5 baan1 jau2 jiu3 tai2 sung3 sik6 faan6 laa3!)
eng:Our department has limited resources. You guys need to work within our means.
eng:to act flexibly; to act according to circumstances
yue:你唔識睇餸食飯咩!有咩車就搭咩車啦! (nei5 m4 sik1 tai2 sung3 sik6 faan6 me1! jau5 me1 ce1 zau6 daap3 me1 ce1 laa1!)
eng:Can't you be flexible? Just take whatever transportation is available!