eng:to clean up; to clear out; to tidy up
yue:清理廁所地板 (cin1 lei5 ci3 so2)
eng:to clean the toilet floor
yue:清理油污 (cing1 lei5 jau4 wu1)
eng:to clean up an oil spill
yue:#清理門户 (cing1 lei5 mun4 wu6)
eng:to remove unwanted member from a group; literally: to clean the doorway
yue:快啲清理好啲垃圾啦,唔係聽日就會發臭㗎喇。 (faai3 di1 cing1 lei5 hou2 di1 laap6 saap3 laa1, m4 hai6 ting1 jat6 zau6 wui5 faat3 cau3 gaa3 laa3.)
eng:Quickly clean up the garbage, or it will stink by tomorrow.