
第 #1 條
讀音: gong1 wu4
詞性: 名詞
  1. (廣東話) 空間概念,穿梭各地嘅江河湖泊,比喻可通往各州各省嘅廣闊空間
    (英文) a concept of space, the places amount rivers and lakes, that means the large area of all provinces and countries. Literally, rivers and lakes
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 闖蕩江湖
    (英) to adventure through out the provinces and countries

  2. (廣東話) 一個鬆散社群概念,原指賣藝者、賣武者、醫師、工匠等民間技師社群,因經常要穿州過省揾食,不受一地政府管束,維生方法同流動都相對自由;引伸指業界、武俠、黑社會等官府同平民以外嘅群體
    (英文) originated from the loose community formed by buskers, craftsmen, artisans, doctors, etc that roaming across rivers and lakes between provinces, figuratively the industry, the profession community, the underworld, the world of secret societies, criminality and secret loyalties.
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 江湖賣藝
    (英) nomadic artist; buskers
    (粵) 江湖規矩
    (英) rules of industry/secret society
    (粵) 老江湖
    (英) an experienced participator in the industry or profession community
    (粵) 江湖好漢
    (英) the hero from the world of secret societies
    (粵) 江湖追殺令
    (英) to post rewards amount the outlaw's community for someone's head

  3. (廣東話) 一個社會空間或民間制度概念,官府唔會或唔能夠完全控制嘅民間活動同揾食空間,及隨之衍生嘅矩則;引伸到業界、武俠、黑社會呢種另類秩序
    (英文) a type of social space or norm concept, that the set of rules or space of civilians to do activity or make a living where the government would not or cannot fully control; figuratively the space and norm of industry, underworld, secret societies, criminality and secret loyalties.
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 行走江湖
    (英) to make a living or do activity in an alternative society or under norms of a specify industry
    (粵) jan4zoi6gong1wu4san1bat1jau4gei2
    (英) a saying which implies that one's life is bound by rules, that one does not have freedom to act

  4. (廣東話) 指未得官方認可、可能有欺騙成份嘅人同事
    (英文) unofficial issues; unlicensed personnel, may be a pretender or a fraudulent
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 江湖傳聞
    (英) rumor and hearsay amount the community
    (粵) 江湖術士
    (英) a mountebank, a swindler
    (粵) 江湖郎中
    (英) a quack, an unofficial doctor

參看: 古惑仔 叱吒風雲 楚河漢界 浪跡天涯 遊戲人間 邪魔外道 金盆洗手 黑白兩道 黑道 龍虎鬥 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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