水泡:seoi2 pou5,水抱:seoi2 pou5
yue:水上活動同救生工具,#浮力 好高、形狀好似#冬甩 嘅圈,捉實或者套住佢就可以喺水面浮(量詞:個/隻)
eng:swim ring; swim tube; water donut; lifebuoy; life preserver
yue:佢唔識游水㗎,俾個水泡佢啦! (keoi5 m4 sik1 jau4 seoi2 gaa3, bei2 go3 seoi2 pou5 keoi5 laa1!)
eng:He doesn't know how to swim. Give him a swim ring.
yue:#代替品;#後備;唔係好#情願,只係用住先嘅嘢;都會用嚟比喻冇拖拍嗰陣#攝時間 嘅男女朋友(量詞:個)
eng:figuratively, substitute; alternative; backup; also used to describe a partner treated as a temporary substitute after a break-up
yue:佢俾女朋友飛咗冇耐就同你拍拖,擺明揾你做水泡啦! (keoi5 bei2 neoi5 pang4 jau5 fei1 zo2 mou5 noi1 zau6 tung4 nei5 paak3 to1, baai2 ming4 wan2 nei5 zou6 seoi2 pou5 laa1!)
eng:He got dumped and started seeing you soon after. He's clearly treating you as a mere backup.
yue:其實我唔鍾意電腦㗎,我當呢科係水泡咋! (kei4 sat6 ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3 din6 nou5 gaa3, ngo5 dong3 ni1 fo1 hai6 seoi2 pou5 zaa3!)
eng:Actually I don't like computers. I'm just thinking of it as an easy alternative!
水泡:seoi2 pok1,水𦢊:seoi2 pok1
yue:皮膚上面起嘅#泡 (pok1),入面有液體,通常係因為磨損、燒傷等原因引起嘅(量詞:個/粒)
yue:着親新鞋,我都會起水泡㗎。 (zoek3 can1 san1 haai4, ngo5 dou1 wui5 hei2 seoi2 pok1 gaa3.)
eng:New shoes always give me blisters.