eng:people die and buildings collapse; used to refer to catastrophes in general
yue:土瓜灣馬頭圍道死人冧樓,唔經唔覺都幾年嘞。 (tou2 gwaa1 waan4 maa5 tau4 wai4 dou3 sei2 jan4 lam3 lau2, m4 ging1 m4 gok3 dou1 gei2 nin4 laak3.)
eng:The deadly building collapse in Ma Tau Wai Road happened several years ago.
yue:葉議員反對加會建議,指要立法會喺暑假休會期間突然召開會議,「一定要係死人冧樓先得」。 (jip6 ji5 jyun4 faan2 deoi3 gaa1 wui2 gin3 ji5, zi2 jiu3 laap6 faat3 wui2 hai2 syu2 gaa3 jau1 wui2 kei4 gaan1 dat6 jin4 ziu6 hoi1 wui6 ji5, jat1 ding6 jiu3 hai6 sei2 jan4 lam3 lau2 sin1 dak1.)
eng:Legislator Yip opposes the suggestion of extra meetings, as extra meetings in summer holiday should only be held "if people die or buildings collapse".
eng:(used in exaggeration) of grave importance; a matter of life-and-death
yue:呢單嘢死人冧樓㗎,小心啲呀。 (ni1 daan1 je5 sei2 jan4 lam3 lau2 gaa3, siu2 sam1 di1 aa3.)
eng:This case is a matter of life-and-death (=of grave importance). Take extra care.
yue:你死人冧樓都同我搞掂佢。 (nei5 sei2 jan4 lam3 lau2 dou1 tung4 ngo5 gaau2 dim6 keoi5.)
eng:Please fix it for me, no matter the cost or difficulty.