eng:used to report that one has found relevant information or an important clue
yue:阿頭,呢度有料到。 (aa3 tau2, ni1 dou6 jau5 liu2 dou3.)
eng:Hey boss, I found something interesting here.
eng:to have genuine talent, ability or knowledge
yue:睇咗咁多個中醫,終於揾到個有料到嘅,飲一次藥啲咳就斷尾。 (tai2 zo2 gam3 do1 go3 zung1 ji1, zung1 jyu1 wan2 dou2 go3 jau5 liu2 dou3 ge3, jam2 jat1 ci3 joek6 di1 kat1 zau6 tyun5 mei5.)
eng:I consulted many traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and finally found one that knows his stuff. My cough stopped at once after I took the herbal medicine.
yue:同佢打交小心啲,條友有料到。 (tung4 keoi5 daa2 gaau1 siu2 sam1 di1, tiu4 jau2 jau5 liu2 dou3.)
eng:Beware of him, he knows how to fight well.