eng:entirety; whole
yue:整體利益 (zing2 tai2 lei6 jik1)
eng:overall interests
yue:學生嘅整體表現同去年相若。 (hok6 saang1 ge3 zing2 tai2 biu2 jin6 tung4 heoi3 nin4 soeng1 joek6.)
eng:Student performance on the whole was similar to that of last year.
yue:呢個遊戲要整體合作先可以完成。 (ni1 go3 jau4 hei3 jiu3 zing2 tai2 hap6 zok3 sin1 ho2 ji5 jyun4 sing4.)
eng:This game requires cooperation of the whole to finish.
yue:我哋一家四口係一個整體,去到邊都一齊嘅。 (ngo5 dei6 jat1 gaa1 sei3 hau2 hai6 jat1 go3 zing2 tai2, heoi3 dou3 bin1 dou1 jat1 cai4 ge3.)
eng:Our family of four is an entirety that we stay together wherever we go.