eng:to receive goods
yue:修端喺網上買完玩具,尋日特登留喺屋企等收貨。 (sau1 dyun1 hai2 mong5 soeng6 maai5 jyun4 wun6 geoi6, cam4 jat6 dak6 dang1 lau4 hai2 uk1 kei2 dang2 sau1 fo3.)
eng:Sau Tuen had bought toys on the Internet and yesterday he stayed home to wait for the delivery of them.
eng:to feel satisfied, pleased
yue:我哋擺到明就唔收貨㗎喇,點可以畀個草案通過啊? (ngo5 dei6 baai2 dou3 ming4 zau6 m4 sau1 fo3 gaa3 laa3, dim2 ho2 ji5 bei2 go3 cou2 on3 tung1 gwo3 aa3?)
eng:We aren't satisfied at all, how can we let the bill be passed?