eng:Remove the obstacles, resolve the problem.
yue:阿媽唔俾我去旅行啊,你幫我擺平佢啦! (aa3 maa1 m4 bei2 ngo5 heoi3 leoi5 hang4 aa3, nei5 bong1 ngo5 baai2 ping4 keoi5 laa1!)
eng:Mom won't let me travel, help me convince her!
yue:今次你搞出咁大件事,你自己同我擺平佢呀。 (gam1 ci3 nei5 gaau2 ceot1 gam3 daai6 gin6 si6, nei5 zi6 gei1 tung4 ngo5 baai2 ping4 keoi5 aa3.)
eng:This time you've caused some real trouble, you have to solve it yourself.