
第 #1 條
讀音: bat6 zim1
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 選拔尖子(最叻嘅人),揾啲最叻嘅人加以訓練
    (英文) to pick out top performers for additional training
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 拔尖補底bat6 zim1 bou2 dai2
    (英) to provide intensive training to top performers and remedial classes to the bottom; literally, to pull up the top and salvage the bottom

  2. (廣東話) 喺香港教育制度下,參加大學教育資助委員會喺2001至2011年間設立嘅中六優先取錄計劃(俗稱「拔尖計劃」),會考成績優秀嘅學生可以跳過高級程度會考直接入大學
    (英文) Early Admissions Scheme (EAS), a scheme in which students with outstanding results in HKCEE (a public exam for high school students held until 2011) can be admitted to university without taking the HKALE (a matriculation exam)
    (粵) ngo5dong1nin4caa1jat1fan1zau6bat6dou2zim1
    (英) I was one mark short for Early Admissions Scheme.
    (粵) hou2do1jan4gok3dak1bat6zim1ho2ji5haan1faan1jat1nin4si4gaan3tung4hok6fai3daan6dou1jau5gei2wai2zim1zi2gam1jyun6fong3hei3bat6zim1syun2zaak6haau2maai4gou1haau2zoi3heoi3ngoi6gwok3sing1hok6
    (英) Many people think that EAS saves them money and a year of time. But there are a few who didn't admit via EAS, but sat in HKALE and further studied abroad.

參看: 名落孫山 奄尖 學以致用 學富五車 拔苗助長 拔蘭地 插班生 模擬考試 過五關斬六將 鶴立雞群 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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