
第 #1 條
讀音: ling1
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 用手攞住;將物件貼近隻手,由隻手嚟到控制活動
    (英文) to grab; to fetch; to take; to hold
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) ling1di1syu1faan1uk1kei2
    (英) to take the books home
    (粵) m4goi1jat1fan6saam1man4zi6ling1zau2
    (英) May I have a take-away sandwich, please?
    (粵) ngo5lau6zo2go3ngan4baau1faan1uk1kei2ling1
    (英) I left my wallet at home, so I gotta go back to fetch it.
    (粵) gok3wai2tung4hok6ling1bun2gaau3fo1syu1ceot1lai4
    (英) Fellow students, take out your textbooks.
    (粵) ling1go3dang1daam2bei2ngo5
    (英) Grab me a light bulb!
    (粵) ngo5lau6zo2go3ngan4baau1faan1uk1kei2ling1
    (英) I left my wallet and I went home to fetch it.
    (粵) gau3zung1laa3ling1doi2zau2jan4laa1
    (英) Time is up, grab your bag and go!
    (粵) keoi5gam6jyun4cin2m4gei3dak1ling1cin2
    (英) He forgot to take his money withdrawn from the ATM.
    (粵) ho2m4ho2ji5bong1ngo5ling1jat1zan6sau2doi2aa3ling1zyu6m4wui5hou2cung5gaa3zaa3
    (英) Can you hold my handbag for a while? It's not heavy to hold.
    (粵) ling1sat6bou6din6waa6
    (英) Hold your phone tight.
    (粵) nei5ling1sat6aa3ngo5fong3sau2gaa3laa3
    (英) You grasp it tightly and I will let it go.

  2. (廣東話) 擁有同控制
    (英文) to own and control; to have
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) ling1dou2waa6si6kyun4
    (英) to have the say
    (粵) keoi5ling1zyu6jat1daai6bat1cin2waan4jau4sai3gaai3
    (英) He travels around the world with a fortune.

  3. (廣東話) 運用
    (英文) to take; to use
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) ling1lai4gong2haa5siu3
    (英) to take this as a joke
    (粵) ling1ni1go3pointpon1daa2
    (英) to debate with this point
    (粵) jau5me1hou2ling1lai4gong2aa3
    (英) What's the point of mentioning it?

近義: 近義:
參看: 扚 擸 掅 擄 搲
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