yue:一種由B-#淋巴 細胞分泌出嚟,存在喺#血液 裏面嘅#蛋白質,亦可以叫做免疫球蛋白;作用係等身體可以識別外來嘅物質,從而抵禦#病毒、#細菌 等等嘅#病原體
yue:老人家嘅免疫系統通常較為差,所以就算打咗預防針,有時都唔會整到抗體出嚟。 (lou5 jan4 gaa1 ge3 min5 jik6 hai6 tung2 tung1 soeng4 gaau3 wai4 caa1, so2 ji5 zau6 syun3 daa2 zo2 jyu6 fong4 zam1, jau5 si4 dou1 m4 wui5 zing2 dou2 kong3 tai2 ceot1 lai4.)
eng:The immune system of the elderly is usually less efficient, hence, even though they are given a jab, sometimes an antibody response could not be elicited.