yue:令到自己嘅慾望同行為喺自己嘅 #控制 之下,唔會做出一啲違反道德或者法律嘅行為。
eng:to keep ones desires and behaviour under control to comply with ones moral standard (e.g. to be loyal to ones spouse) or the law.
yue:佢把持唔住自己,所以就有呢個感情缺失。 (keoi5 baa2 ci4 m4 zyu6 zi6 gei2, so2 ji5 zau6 jau5 ni1 go3 gam2 cing4 kyut3 sat1.)
eng:He couldn't control his emotion, and that's why he was in a love affair and had regrettable moments in his love life.
yue:即係 #控制 住一個組織或者群體嘅權力,但係用得呢個字都係有負面嘅意思。
eng:(usually with a negative connotation) to have full control of an organisation or a group