yue:專登喺户外臨時起嚟上演#神功戲 嘅#棚,通常用竹木搭建(量詞:個/座)
eng:wooden or bamboo theatre, temporarily built for performing opera performances as religious rituals
yue:戲棚搭建技藝 (hei3 paang4 daap3 gin3 gei6 ngai6)
eng:bamboo theatre building technique
yue:而家嘅戲棚主要由竹、杉構成樑柱同框架,以鋅鐵片做頂。 (ji4 gaa1 ge3 hei3 paang4 zyu2 jiu3 jau4 zuk1, caam3 kau3 sing4 loeng4 cyu5 tung4 kwaang1 gaa2, ji5 san1 tit3 pin2 zou6 deng2.)
eng:In bamboo theatres nowadays, bamboo poles and fir beams are erected as standards and ledgers to form frameworks, with metal sheets are covered.