eng:to return to work; to resume working
yue:佢去咗度蜜月,下個月先復工。 (keoi5 heoi3 zo2 dou6 mat6 jyut6, haa6 go3 jyut6 sin1 fuk6 gung1.)
eng:He has gone for a honeymoon trip. He will return to work next month.
yue:聽講之前爛尾嗰單工程遲下會復工。 (teng1 gong2 zi1 cin4 laan6 mei5 go2 daan1 gung1 cing4 ci4 haa5 wui5 fuk6 gung1.)
eng:I have heard that they will resume working on the aborted works later on.