eng:to learn from somebody formally; to be somebody's apprentice or pupil
yue:詠春宗師葉問師承陳華順。 (wing6 ceon1 zung1 si1 jip6 man6 si1 sing4 can4 waa4 seon6.)
eng:Wing Chun master Yip Man was Chan Wah-shun's apprentice.
yue:《暴風雨》嘅畫家師承學院派。 (bou6 fung1 jyu5 ge3 waa2 gaa1 si1 sing4 hok6 jyun2 paai3.)
eng:The painter of "The Storm" inherited the Academic Classicism school.
eng:(origin of) apprenticeship and inheritance
yue:功夫流派各有各師承。 (gung1 fu1 lau4 paai3 gok3 jau5 gok3 si1 sing4.)
eng:All schools of martial arts have their own inheritance.