yue:有四條#弦 嘅樂器,喺四種#提琴 入面體積最細、最高音,拉嘅時候要托喺膊頭(量詞:部/支)
yue:拉小提琴 (laai1 siu2 tai4 kam4)
eng:to play the violin
yue:佢學咗五年小提琴喇。 (keoi5 hok6 zo2 ng5 nin4 siu2 tai4 kam4 laa3.)
eng:He has learned to play the violin for five years.
yue:我部小提琴新買嘅。 (ngo5 bou6 siu2 tai4 kam4 san1 maai5 ge3.)
eng:My violin is new. (It was bought recently.)
yue:學校要佢學一種樂器,佢揀咗拉小提琴。 (hok6 haau6 jiu3 keoi5 hok6 jat1 zung2 ngok6 hei3, keoi5 gaan2 zo2 laai1 siu2 tai4 kam4.)
eng:The school asked him to learn a musical instrument. He chose to play violin.