
第 #1 條
讀音: zi6
詞性: 名詞
  1. (廣東話) 文字;記錄語言符號(量詞:隻/個/行)
    (英文) character; word
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 漢字hon3 zi6
    (英) Chinese character; Japanese kanji
    (粵) jing1man2zi6
    (英) an English word
    (粵) 字母zi6 mou5
    (英) alphabet
    (粵) 字型zi6 jing4
    (英) font
    (粵) #字義zi6 ji6
    (英) the meaning of a word; lexical meaning
    (粵) 簡筆字gaan2 bat1 zi6
    (英) abbreviated character
    (粵) nei5pin1leon6man2se2zo2gei2do1zi6ng5cin1zi6zo2jau2laa1
    (英) "How many words did you write for your essay?" "Around 5,000."
    (粵) mun4zi6jau5gei2do1waak6gaa3
    (英) How many strokes are there in the character 門?

  2. (廣東話) 十二小時制嘅時鐘上面有十二個代表整點嘅數字,分針每五分鐘就到另一個數字,所以每個字就用嚟代指五分鐘(量詞:個)
    (英文) five minutes; literally 'number' (referring to the distance between two adjacent numbers on a clock)
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) bun3go3zi6
    (英) two minutes and a half
    (粵) cat1dim2gau2go3bun3zi6
    (英) 7:47 (time)
    (粵) nei5dang2do1ngo5saam1go3zi6aa1ngo5zau6faai3dak1laa3
    (英) Please wait for me, I'll be ready in 15 minutes.
    (粵) ji4gaa1luk6dim2loeng5go3zi6
    (英) It is 6:10.

  3. (廣東話) 憑據、字據
    (英文) written pledge, contract
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 簽字
    (英) to sign and confirm the agreement
    (粵) baak6zi2hak1zi6se2cing1co2hip3ji5noi6jung4ho2ji5bou2zoeng3daai6gaa1ge3kyun4lei6
    (英) Putting the agreement in writing will protect everyone's rights.

  4. (廣東話) 書法;字跡;筆跡;寫字嘅痕跡、表現形式(量詞:手)
    (英文) script; handwriting; penmanship; calligraphy
    (粵) nei5sau2zi6hou2leng3wo3
    (英) Your handwriting/calligraphy is beautiful!

  5. (廣東話) 硬幣上鑄有幣值數字果一邊
    (英文) tails (of a coin)
    (粵) zaak6dou2gung1ngo5zau6bei2jat1man1nei5zaak6dou2zi6nei5zau6bei2jat1man1ngo5
    (英) If it's heads, I'll give you a dollar; if it's tails, you'll have to give me a dollar.

  6. (廣東話) 發音
    (英文) pronunciation (of a word or character)
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 字正腔圓zi6 zing3 hong1 jyun4
    (英) to speak with clear articulation
    (粵) san1man4zyu2bo3ngaau5zi6jat1ding6jiu3cing1co2
    (英) News anchors must pronounce words clearly.

  7. (廣東話) 以前男子滿二十歲,行過冠禮,代表經已成人,就會取表字(或作別字),改嗰陣會襯返佢本名嘅意思。同輩外人多數唔會直呼其名,而係以字相稱。
    (英文) (in Chinese culture) zi, i.e. a courtesy name bestowed upon a man at his coming-of-age ceremony at 20. Although the courtesy name usually matches in meaning with the given name, the former is usually used in place of the latter by acquaintances of the same generation as a term of address.
    (粵) ngok6fei1zi6paang4geoi2
    (英) Yue Fei, courtesy name Pengju

參看: 性 素質 性格 文字 字母 辭 言 措辭 劇本 講稿 筆跡 字跡 字體
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