eng:to marry a woman; to marry someone into the family
yue:娶#妾侍 (ceoi2 cip3 si6)
eng:to marry a concubine
yue:我大個咗要娶佢做老婆。 (ngo5 daai6 go3 zo2 jiu3 ceoi2 keoi5 zou6 lou5 po4.)
eng:When I grow up I will marry her.
yue:佢想娶一個日本女仔。 (keoi5 soeng2 ceoi2 jat1 go3 jat6 bun2 neoi5 zai2.)
eng:He wants to marry a Japanese woman.
yue:家族有#男丁 結婚,迎接對方加入自己嘅家庭
eng:(of a family) to have someone married into the family
yue:娶#心抱 (cou2 sam1 pou5)
eng:to welcome a daughter-in-law into the family