yue:香港1997年主權移交,所以90年代重新設計硬幣,由原本嘅英女皇嘅頭像變成紫荊花,所以舊式硬幣就叫做「女皇頭」;97 年後仍然係通用貨幣,但比較少見
eng:Due to the impending transfer of sovereignty in 1997, coins in Hong Kong were redesigned in the 1990s. Instead of featuring the British Monarch (which was Queen Elizabeth II at the time), the new coins displayed an embossed Bauhinia flower; the old coins were thus named 女皇頭 because the portrait of the Queen was embossed on them; literally: head of the Empress
eng:any item that displays the portrait of the Queen of England, eg. stamps