yue:用#生理 方法提高男性嘅#性 能力
eng:to improve a man's erectile ability and performance via physiological means
yue:壯陽藥 (zong3 joeng4 joek6)
eng:a medical substance that addresses the issue of erectile dysfunction
yue:阿松俾女朋友暗示佢唔夠勁,想試下食藥壯陽。 (aa3 cung4 bei2 neoi5 pang4 jau5 am3 si6 keoi5 m4 gau3 ging6, soeng2 si3 haa5 sik6 joek6 zong3 joeng4.)
eng:Ah-Chung considered trying a performance-enhancing drug because his girlfriend felt his sexual performance had been lacking.