yue:法律用語,對一件案件有關嘅個人敍述 (量詞:份)
eng:witness statement; witness testimony
yue:#夾口供 (gaap3 hau2 gung1)
eng:to conspire with others to give fake statements
yue:尋日差人同佢落唔到口供。 (cam4 jat6 caai1 jan4 tung4 keoi5 lok6 m4 dou2 hau2 gung1.)
eng:The police were unable to take a statement from him.
yue:佢企圖影響證人口供。 (keoi5 kei5 tou4 jing2 hoeng2 zing3 jan4 hau2 gung1.)
eng:He attempted to influence the testimony of the witnesses.