yue:注重#傳統,唔輕易接受新嘅#潮流 或者時下大眾嘅諗法
eng:conservative; traditional, resistant to new trends or ideas
yue:佢思想好保守,一定唔肯同居嘅。 (keoi5 si1 soeng2 hou2 bou2 sau2, jat1 ding6 m4 hang2 tung4 geoi1 ge3.)
eng:He is very conservative; he won't agree with cohabitation.
yue:做估計嗰陣用一個#穩陣 啲嘅數字
eng:conservative (when making an estimate)
yue:保守估計 (bou2 sau2 gu2 gai3)
eng:to estimate on the safe side
yue:唔講一個#秘密 出嚟,唔俾人揭開個秘密
eng:to keep; to guard
yue:你要保守秘密呀! (nei5 jiu3 bou2 sau2 bei3 mat6 aa3!)
eng:You have to keep the secret!