yue:#佔據 並#使用(某個空間)
eng:to occupy and use (certain space)
yue:非法佔用政府土地 (fei1 faat3 zim3 jung6 zing3 fu2 tou2 dei6)
eng:to occupy government land illegally
yue:遊行人士佔用咗公園兩個籃球場。 (jau4 hang4 jan4 si6 zim3 jung6 zo2 gung1 jyun2 loeng5 go3 laam4 kau4 coeng4.)
eng:The protesters occupied two basketball courts of the park.
yue:呢個空間俾人佔用咗十年。 (ni1 go3 hung1 gaan1 bei2 jan4 zim3 jung6 zo2 sap6 nin4.)
eng:The space has been occupied for ten years.