yue:女性#老闆(女#事頭),或者#老闆 嘅老婆(量詞:個)
eng:female employer or shop owner, or the wife of the employer or shop owner; "boss lady"; also used as a form of address
yue:事頭婆,菜芯幾錢斤呀? (si6 tau4 po4, coi3 sam1 gei2 cin2 gan1 aa3?)
eng:How much is a catty of choy sum, boss?
yue:香港人對#英女皇 嘅稱呼,因為英皇或英女皇係#殖民地 時代香港名義上嘅元首
eng:a term used by Hongkongers to refer to the Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
yue:以前事頭婆生日有假放㗎! (ji5 cin4 si6 tau4 po4 saang1 jat6 jau5 gaa3 fong3 gaa3!)
eng:We used to have a public holiday on the Queen's birthday!