eng:(usually of ranks or privileges) hereditary
yue:呢個爵位係世襲嘅。 (ni1 go3 zoek3 wai6 hai6 sai3 zaap6 ge3.)
eng:The noble title is hereditary.
yue:阿哥喺呢間小學讀書,所以阿妹都可以攞到「世襲位」。 (aa3 go1 hai2 ni1 gaan1 siu2 hok6 duk6 syu1, so2 ji5 aa3 mui2 dou1 ho2 ji5 lo2 dou2 "sai3 zaap6 wai2".)
eng:Since the elder brother attends this primary school, the younger sister is eligible for an inherited position.