第 #1 條 | |
讀音: | bat1 je6 sing4 |
詞性: | 名詞 |
解釋: |
city that never sleeps, used to describe a bustling place where the lights are still on and there are still many people at night.
(粵) 澳門咁多賭場、酒店,到四點都仲好嘈好熱鬧,話係不夜城真係當之無愧。
(英) Macau has so many casinos and hotels, and it's still very noisy and crowded at 4 in the morning, it totally deserves its name as a "city that never sleeps".
參看: | 不三不四 不安於室 不期而遇 不毛之地 不請自來 可憐天下父母心 可望不可即 可望而不可即 民以食為天 無心插柳柳成蔭 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析) |
版權: | 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0 |