eng:all along; has always been; consistently
yue:佢一路都唔鐘意食菜。 (keoi5 jat1 lou6 dou1 m4 zung1 ji3 sik6 coi3.)
eng:He has never liked vegetables.
eng:all along the way
yue:呢架小巴一路都冇停站,直去旺角。 (ni1 gaa3 siu2 baa1 jat1 lou6 dou1 mou5 ting4 zaam6, zik6 heoi3 wong6 gok3.)
eng:There is no stop for this minibus route all along until it reaches Mongkok.
eng:doing two or more things at the same time
yue:你唔好一路睇電視一路食飯喇。 (nei5 m4 hou2 jat1 lou6 tai2 din6 si6 jat1 lou6 sik6 faan6 laa3.)
eng:Don't watch TV while dining.